Monday, January 2, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

Amy  from While Wearing Heels who has great talent to decorate her home, do a DIY project, make something adorable for her daughter, and all this mind you while wearing heels.. Yes, she is a classy gal and she just  awarded me ( Oh my gosh I'm so excited ) the Versatile Blogger Award.  I feel like Sally Fields... "You really do like me"... (giggles) okay so much for my Oscar Versatile Blogger speech.. 

Here are the RULES for the Versatile Blogger Award-
1. Add the award to your blog.
2. Thank the blogger who gave it to you.
3. Mention seven random things about yourself. (see below)
4. List the rules.
5. Award to 10 bloggers.
6. Inform each of those 10 by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. I've officially added the award to my blog. It's over there some place ---->

2. Thanks Amy ! I am truly so very honored.. it really means the world to me.. you work so hard on your blog and wonder if it's making any difference and then something wonderful happens like the Versatile Blogger Award. Thank You so very much !

3. Seven random things about me. Let's see. 

1- I  was once published in Woman's Day magazine and even got paid $50 for my little write up... I must have bought 30 issues of the magazine when my lil write came out  back then.. this was like in 1984,  I thought I was hot stuff back then... LOL 

2- I'm not sure everyone knows but I just found out I'm going to be a grandma again for the 8th time...

3- I can't sing a whip, but it doesn't stop me from cranking up my music and singing at the top of my crackly manly sounding voice... I scare small children when I sing.... Not to mention my poor family...

4- I also, like other bloggers I know that shall not be named here, cannot find my way out of a wet paper bag... I get lost going to the bathroom.... at home!!! Don't tell me east or west.. I need left and right and I will still get lost... but it's an adventure when I do...well, I think it is, my passengers don't always think so..

5- I to this day still carry a secret crush on Donny Osmond.. I just can't leave his posters up on my walls anymore, people would talk....

6- I can't keep my balance for the life of me, I am a complete klutz, if you can walk into it or fall down it... I'll be there.... 
7- I really think I'll win the lotto someday,  oooops hear that lil voice... it's saying "Dreamer".... lol  
4.  List the rule.  Those are up above some place.

5. Share this honor with other bloggers, I'd love to.  And the award goes to....

Bolo Head  She's one committed and awesome mom who does it all to make sure her family and home are the most important things going for her and her family.  She sews and creates amazing things... Check her out you'll love what she does.

Tara Being Tara Tara is young enough to be my daughter, I imagine her own mother couldn't be more proud of her, Tara can do just about anything she decides to do.  She's a DIY kinda gal who has impeccable taste and juggles it all and does it all well... Not to mention she's from Cincinnati like me and if you're a Buckeye you kinda have to "rock" just cuz!  =)

Sleeping in an unmade Bed Vicky is one of the funniest bloggers I've met to date.. she's a sweet southern gal who has a great theory about not making your bed and everything she posts makes me laugh and brightens my day entirely.. She is the kinda gal you wish was your next door neighbor..(unless you have chairs at the curb, HAHAHAHA) 

Full Circle Creations Holly over at Full Circle Creations is a woman of many talents.  She's quite the artist and can do any DIY project you send her way.  She's a sweet gal with lots of charm and awesome idea's.. Stop by her blog and see the fantastic things Holly can and does do...  You'll love her.

Stuff I tell my sister Paula is a Missouri gal ... and she shares her adventures that she seems to always be involved in one.... she takes great photo's of the things she sees and places she goes.. She just the warmest sweetest gal you'll meet.   She's blogging about her experiences and thoughts and takes us with her on her way... It's a delightful trip... Get on board... 

Bless my Nest Claire over at Bless my Nest is a decorating guru.. she's got some awesome skills. She loves to blog about being a Decorating Junkie, Crafter,  Gardener, and Thrifty Shopper.  She does this and she does this all well

Home Frosting Lesa is busy doing crafting, decorating, painting and sewing, not to mention her fair share of DIY projects.  She freely shares her knowledge with everyone and we are better for it.. She's got great idea's and tutorials for some of the things she does ... You'll love her... besides who doesn't love Frosting ?

Third Times a Charm  The Utah Mom blogger is really awesome, she crochets ( we all know I can't do that... so that makes me in awe right there) sew, gardens, crafts and does beautiful work.  She's got a toddler that keeps her busy so between the lil one and her blogging projects she's a full time kinda gal..
You'll love what she's doing .....

Bleak 2 Unique Lori is another southern gal that knows her way around rehabbing, I don't think there's a piece of furniture out there that she couldn't turn into something gorgeous.. She totally has mad skills.  As Lori says on her Blog.. Repaint, redesign, reuse, no furniture left behind... and she means it..

Polka Dots and Pastries Dianna is amazing not sure how she does it working full time outside of her home, then when she is home she likes to spend her time sewing, knitting, quilting, and thinking about crafts .  Somehow she manages to do it all... 


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