Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Can't Crochet....

As hard as I've tried over these many years.... I cannot crochet.. It's something that bugs me like crazy.  Everyone I know crochets and they all say "it's so easy, if I can do it you can"..... HAHAHAHA, someone forget to tell my un-co-ordinated fingers that... When I was in my twenties, I was living in Air Force Housing and my next door ( I mean next door, our living units were connected) neighbor and friend could crochet like a speed demon and she made the most GORGEOUS things.. one year ( I'm gonna date myself so you youngins don't listen) she, just because she could and because she was a wonderfully kind woman crocheted me a Maxi Coat... I'm not kidding, an entire winter coat.. it was gorgeous... dark pine green with light green trim. How I wish I had a picture of that coat.  Probably the warmest coat I've ever had.  It was just stunning.. I have a mother in law and a sister in law... that also can crochet I think in their sleep.  I'm amazed at the things they make..
My sister in law Linda  whipped up these 2 scarfs for me in about 5 minutes each this past winter...

I love them.. I love that crochet is back "in" .... for a few years there it seemed like it kinda died out but no more... it's back stronger than ever... and yes I've tried again to crochet... and no I still can't do it..the mind is willing but the fingers are weak! (grins)  I really do wish I could figure out how to crochet, but I guess I'll have to go through life depending on those I love who can to make me adorable and gorgeous things ( wink wink Linda).. How about you, do you crochet ? Do you have something you really would like to learn but your brain says ... nope!  By the way Linda ( my sis in law) did I mention just how much I love your crocheting ? I really appreciate your talent...and I appreciate the talent of those others out there who can crochet... as for me.. I'm making donuts tomorrow... I can cook and teach everyone how to gain weight... HAHAHAHA!
So what's your one thing that you can't do that makes you crazy ?  I can't wait to hear....
